About Us

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Who we are

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service (ATSICHS) Brisbane is a not-for-profit, community-owned health and community services organisation delivering on the unique health and wellbeing needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Brisbane and Logan.

Founded in 1973, we are Queensland’s largest, most comprehensive Aboriginal medical health service and Australia’s second oldest. We are determined to reinstate the wellbeing of our people—person by person, family by family, generation by generation.

Our team pride themselves on providing health and human services, our way. We’re committed to creating a flourishing future and lasting legacy for our people and their community.

We have five medical clinics, two dental clinics, a birthing in our community hub and child and family health services. We also offer youth services, youth justice services, social health programs, family and children support services, including child protection, housing, our children and family centre and family wellbeing services. Finally, we also offer kindergarten programs and an aged care facility (Jimbelunga).

Our vision for our future

For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to enjoy a state of wellbeing commensurate with our culturally inherent and globally recognised rights.

Our commitment to our community

Building a sustainable and prosperous future for our people and community, ensuring that our legacy endures for generations to come.


Annual Report 2023-24

Read here for our Annual Report 2023-24, Our Community, Our Future, Our Way.

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ATSICHS Brisbane Core Values

Read about our core values and how they underpin our organisation.

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ATSICHS Brisbane Code of Conduct

Read about our Code of Conduct, which outlines the responsibilities, general standards of work, conduct and behaviour expected of all ATSICHS Brisbane employees.

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Our plan for the future

Our community, our future, our way

Founded in 1973, ATSICHS Brisbane started as an initiative of local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members searching for a means to play a more direct role in their own health outcomes.

Over the years we have steadfastly remained community-controlled and managed, led by the custodial ethics and collective obligations of community. We have focused on achieving outcomes while asserting our inherent sovereign and cultural rights and exercising our right to self-determination.

Since our last strategic plan, we have achieved outstanding results and plan to maintain that trajectory by keeping culture and values at the heart of everything we do.

We seek to continually improve our practices and processes to meet the evolving needs of our clients and the wider Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

To achieve this, we will use a range of approaches, including community engagement, advocacy, research and service provision. Additionally, we recognise the importance of cultural safety and trauma-informed care in our work.

We will expand and strengthen our programs, services and models of care, collaborating with partners within and beyond the health industry to realise our vision.

With a commitment to innovation, collaboration, and excellence in all that it does, ATSICHS Brisbane is poised to continue playing a critical role in providing holistic, culturally responsive health and community services that improve outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples now and in the years to come.

Download 2024-2027 Strategic Plan