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Burragah kindy book sells out at reading event
For Indigenous Literacy Day we celebrated the release of our Burragah book at Where the Wild Things Are Bookshop.
Written and illustrated by our Burragah Deadly Kindy class of 2020, Nyungai Ngullina Nyumbajaburuyah Buuragah, Our Day at Burragah Kindy is an insight into our Deadly Kindy programs.
Including outdoor play, healthy food and getting creative, they document their experiences in a unique collection of artwork and stories. They tell their stories in both Yugambeh language and English.
Aunty Jo Doyle did an amazing reading of the book, Nyungai Ngullina Nyumbajaburuyah Buuragah, captivating the crowd of both children and adults. The crowd learnt words like jarjum and jingeri and also had fun sharing their kindy experiences with each other.
After story-time the children then learned to paint Aboriginal art symbols and learned the meaning behind each one of them.
Translated by Yugambeh Museum Language Officer Shaun Davies, the book celebrates the individual experiences of each child. It also highlights their connection to culture and language.
The day was a big success with plenty of happy customers and lots of learning. We also completely sold out!
However, more copies of the book are available to purchase via our website, with all profits going back to our Deadly Kindys.