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How to check in with mob this R U OK? Day
If someone you know – family, friend, teammate or community member – is struggling, they may not tell you, so it’s important to trust your gut and ask, “R U OK?”. This R U OK? Day we want to equip you with some tips so you can effectively yarn with someone you’re worried about.
Ask R U OK? in your own way
If you’re in the right headspace to have a meaningful conversation, find a good moment to talk to them. If you don’t live with the person, find a reason to visit or meet with them. Make sure to be relaxed and friendly and let them know you’ve noticed a change. You don’t just have to ask, “R U OK?” you might also say:
- “I haven’t seen you around lately, is everything going OK?”
- “So how are you travelling these days? You good?”
- “I’ve missed seeing you around. How have you been?”
Sometimes mob may feel shame about opening up. If they don’t want to talk about it, make sure to reassure them that you’re always there to listen.
Listening to their story
Be prepared to listen and try not to interrupt them while they speak. It’s important to let them speak in their own time and reassure them that you care. Some questions you can ask include:
- “How long have you been feeling this way?”
- “How does that make you feel?”
- “Can you tell me a little bit more about that?”
Encouraging action
You won’t always have the answers or be able to provide advice. In fact, sometimes it’s better not to give advice as some problems may need professional help. Here are some questions:
- “Where do you think we can go from here?”
- “I’ve got some numbers that might help.”
- “Have you thought about yarning with your GP or Aboriginal Health Worker?”
Checking in
After your first yarn, ask if it would be OK for you to check in with them again. It’s helpful to follow up a few days after to show that you care. You might want to ask:
- “How’d you go yarning with the doctor?”
- “Did you end up calling any of the numbers I gave you?”
Remember you’re never too old, too young, too sad, too strong, too manly or too womanly to ask R U OK? or seek help yourself.
Hotlines and numbers
- ATSICHS Brisbane clinics – 3240 8900
- Police, Fire, Ambulance – 000
- Lifeline – 13 11 14
- Beyond Blue – 1300 224 636
- Kids Helpline – 1800 551 800
- Parentline – 1300 301 300
- MensLine Australia – 1300 789 978
- Brother to Brother (Indigenous men) – 1800 435 799
- Mental Health Call (advice, referral) – 1300 64 22 55
- QLife (LGBTQI+ advice)- 1800 184 527
Information sourced via R U OK?. For a more in-depth guide
Clinic locations

Browns Plains Medical Clinic
Browns Plains QLD 4118
(The clinic is on the corner of Eastern Road and Webber Drive)