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Indigenous medical student upskills with scholarship win
Medical student and proud Yuggera woman Kealey is one step closer to having a Diploma of Auslan thanks to a Young, Black and Proud scholarship win.
She recently graduated with a Bachelor of Science and has since started on her Master of Public Health (Indigenous Health) earlier this year. Once completed, she plans to apply for the Doctor of Medicine program at the University of Queensland with the ultimate goal of working in Indigenous health as a general practitioner.
“I’m passionate about helping community to take control of their health, have a voice in matters that relate to them and be able to access health care services that are culturally appropriate and designed with them in mind,” Kealey said.
Kealey is one of the winners of our academic scholarships and plans to put her scholarship funds to great use, helping her pay for her Certificate III in Australian sign language (AUSLAN).
“As I am also studying at university, I am not eligible for other government funding or subsidies and each certificate costs around $2500,” Kealey said.
“Learning AUSLAN is one of my passions and I hope to use it when I am a doctor to improve communication with d/Deaf patients”.
We’re incredibly proud of Kealey’s efforts and can’t wait to welcome her into the Indigenous health industry in the future.
This year we partnered with the Queensland Family & Child Commission (QFFC) again to award 16 scholarships across the South-East Queensland region.
To read all about the awards ceremony and the other winners, click here.