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Movember check in with Youth Services Case Manager Rahkeem
We’re halfway through Movember and we checked in with Youth Services Case Manager Rahkeem to find out how his Movember challenge is going.
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I grew up on Darnley Island and Boigu Island in the Torres Strait. We moved down this way when I was a child, and I spent the rest of my childhood growing up in Logan. I work as a youth services case manager in the Family Wellbeing team at our Chermside office.
How long have you been with ATSICHS Brisbane?
I’ve been at ATSICHS Brisbane for just over two months now. I’m still pretty new, but I’m really enjoying my role and doing everything I can to help community.
Why do you think it’s important to support Movember?
Movember is a great campaign for the way it raises awareness around men’s health and mental health. We may not always have all the answers, but just being aware of some of the facts can spark a conversation that may turn someone’s life around. Movember gives us the opportunity to all make a difference to someone around us by bringing the issues of men’s health to light and making sure people know it’s not hard to reach out and it’s not shame.
What advice do you have for men who might not know how to get support?
It’s definitely easier said than done, but don’t be shame about it. Reach out to someone close – friends, your brothers, family members, anyone that can hear you and help you. Everyone in your life wants you to be healthy and happy and if you’re struggling there are people around you who can support you.
Any words of wisdom to get everyone through the second half of Movember?
Keep having those conversations and keep checking in with fullas around you. If you’re not feeling great, speak out and don’t be afraid.
If you would like to donate to the ATSICHS Brisbane Mo Bros team, you can do so by clicking this link.
To learn more about the Movember campaign, head to: