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Meet Registered Nurse Brooke

Where are you from/ What mob? My father’s father is from Saibai Island. Role at ATSICHS?  I am a full time Registered Nurse working at our Logan Clinic. Career background? I studied for three years and graduated in December 2019. I’ve worked as an AIN with a nursing agency for one year and also worked […]

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Meet Belinda, RN/Aged Care Operations Manager

Belinda is a proud Wemba Wemba woman and also one of our hard-working Jimbelunga Nursing Centre Registered Nurses. She’s also our Aged Care Operations Manager. What is the most rewarding part of your role? As a nurse, it’s seeing an overall improvement in the health and happiness of residents and families. It’s also knowing I have […]

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Meet Donna our Family Nurse Practitioner

Role? Family Nurse Practitioner Career background?My early nursing career was spent working in Adult Intensive Care. I left ICU to become a midwife and became a Remote Area Nurse on the Ngaanyatjarra Lands in Western Australia. Although the work was challenging and the hours long, I got to use all my skills and made lots of […]

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