Banjilam Bareibunn End of Life Planning

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About our service

In 2024, ATSICHS Brisbane launched the Banjilam Bareibunn End of Life Planning program to support mob with life-limiting illnesses. The program empowers participants by helping them make decisions and prioritise what is most comforting and meaningful to them. This person-centred care program is tailored to the unique preferences of each person and offers coordinated services, including returning to Country, bush and modern medicines, and afterlife care such as funeral arrangements. The holistic approach respects physical, cultural, spiritual, emotional, and social needs and is delivered in the preferred environment.

Our role

The program provides journey mapping, which assists participants in making decisions that honour their wishes, including treatments, cultural needs, and traditions. These decisions are supported by important documents such as Advance Health Directives, Enduring Power of Attorney, or Statements of Choices, which are completed with the assistance of Banjilam Bareibunn staff. Practical supports such as nursing care, oxygen cylinders, counselling, and respite services are also provided. The service is offered at zero cost to patients, though there may be costs for additional services such as equipment. The program prioritises cultural respect, advocacy, a collaborative approach, social support, and spiritual care.


To be eligible for the program, participants must be clients of one of the ATSICHS Brisbane clinics. For more information or to express interest, contact our palliative care team. The program aims to ensure each person has a ‘beautiful passing’ through collaboration and support.

Our Model of Care


    We will always respect the individual’s culture, beliefs and values.


    Our team supports the individual to ensure their voice is heard and their wishes are honoured.


    Supporting clients through life-limiting illness is a collaborative approach with both internal and external teams. We will try our best to make every transition as easy as possible through planning current care requirements and those that will be changing.


    Despite having a life-limiting illness, we support clients to remain involved with any programs or community outings. We help them remain connected to all the special people in their lives. We also offer support to carers.


    Religion or no religion, spiritual care can be having someone talk with the individual without judgement. If they want to continue being involved in their religion of choice, we can provide support for this.

    OUR name

    The name Banjilam Bareibunn (pronounced Bun-ju-lum Bar-ray-buun) comes from the Yugambeh language and means ‘Butterfly Dreams’.


    Walk With Me 2024
    By Chloe Watego

    While each of us holds unique and deeply personal beliefs about life and death, many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples view existence as a journey set and guided by our ancestors or creator.

    Life is seen as purposeful, with each of us placed on this Earth for a reason, and our departure is likewise intentional.

    After death, it is believed that our spirits return to our creator in preparation for the next journey.

    Death, though inevitable, is an essential part of our time on Earth.

    While it is a subject many might shy away from discussing, it is crucial to understand that there are people and services dedicated to helping us live the remainder our lives in the way that aligns with our purpose.

    People and services that acknowledge and respect that we are the experts of our own lives.

    They walk beside us — not in front, nor behind — side by side until our end of time.

    Read more about the artwork here.

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    You may be eligible for free transport to and from our clinics.

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