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Youth Services team leader gets behind the Movember campaign
It’s Movember and to raise awareness of the importance of men’s health we sat down with Youth Services Team Leader Damien to talk about the value of reaching out for support when you need it.
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I’m a proud Wagadagam and Kantju man and the Youth Services Team Leader here at ATSICHS Brisbane. I have connections to the Wagadagam mob through my mother’s side. The mob is from a little island called Mabuiag on the western part of the Torres Strait Islands, and I have connections to the Kantju mob in Mapoon, west of Cape York through my father.
How long have you been with ATSICHS?
I’ve been at ATSICHS for about a year now. I’m really enjoying my journey here and seeing all the ways we help our community. It’s great to be a part of that and to help contribute to improving the lives of our people.
What did you think about the Movember Community BBQ event at Logan Clinic?
It was great to see the support our staff and community show for the Movember cause. I heard it was the first one we’ve held through ATSICHS, so I felt really privileged to be there and be a part of it. Seeing all the fullas jumping in the chair and getting behind the cause was awesome to see.
Why do you think it’s important to support Movember?
Men’s health is so important in our community. I know myself and a lot of my family and friends aren’t very open to talking about men’s health and can bottle things up until it’s too late.
I had some conversations with a few staff at ATSICHS leading up to the community BBQ event and it really opened my eyes and gave me some more knowledge about men’s health. It was particularly eye-opening to hear some of the statistics that are out there around rates of cancer and suicide in men.
We lose about 60 men every hour to suicide and men will die about four and a half years earlier than women and for reasons that are mostly preventable. To be facing these statistics highlighted to me the importance of getting checked up and encouraging my friends and family to do so as well.
What advice do you have for men who might not know how to get support?
My biggest piece of advice would be just to start that conversation and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Even if it’s just with a mate or a relative, starting that conversation can make a huge difference in your or someone else’s life. We also have our clinics, or if you don’t live near any of our clinics, reach out to your local GP or even friends or family who may be able to help support you.
Try not to Dr Google too much cause you may get the wrong information. There is support around you; you’ve just got to ask.
Are you going to grow a mo’ for Movember?
I’m definitely doing the mo’, I got a fresh shave at the community BBQ and I’m contemplating doing the hair. I’ve had it for a good five or six years, so I don’t know if I’ll do a full shave. I might just shorten it for the cause.
If you would like to join or donate to the ATSICHS Brisbane Mo Bros team, you can do so by clicking this link.
To learn more about the Movember campaign, head to: