Safe & Deadly Places for our LGBTIQ+ mob
Our Safe and Deadly Places Statement of Commitment

We are committed to being a truly inclusive organisation to eliminate isolation, raise the health and wellbeing needs of our Brotherboys, Sistergirls and LGBTQI+ mob and for everybody to feel accepted, valued and supported.
We’ve signed a Statement of Commitment to ensure equality and safety of access across to all of our services, clinics and programs. This is to ensure our whole community feels that they belong and are valued individuals who can reach their full potential, upholding their right to full access to our services and programs in a safe and supportive environment.
Safe and Deadly Health checks (715)
Come in for a health check at any one of our clinics and you can choose a free Safe and Deadly Places shirt or a Deadly Choices shirt.
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Find a clinic and book an appointment
Safe and Deadly Places Statement of Commitment
Read our Statement of Commitment to ensure inclusive and safe services and spaces.
The elements used in the Safe & Deadly Places material is from artwork by Jordana Angus.
Jordana is an established contemporary Wiradjuri artist and emerging jeweller. Her traditional land is Narrandera New South Wales; however she was born and raised in Redcliffe, Queensland. This location has given Jordana an innate connection to where the land meets sea.